Distribution Agreement

The Team Coordinator agrees to accept the bulk shipment of coffee and further agrees to distribute the coffee in a timely manner to their supporters/customers as per the recommended “All Star Coffee Thank YOU Party”.
Each coffee buyer is instructed to present either a paper or digital version of their proof of purchase. We’ll send you everything you need to cross reference your list of buyers to insure accuracy. Simply provide them with the coffee they ordered, be sure to differentiate between ground and whole bean (which is clearly labeled on each bag), and have them initial to verify their pick up.

…And BAM! You’re done!

During your distribution, others from the general public may want to buy coffee from you. For that reason, your TEAM Page is still open and additional orders can be placed online using the direct shipping options unless you decide to initiate another FUNdraiser campaign.

We’re going to make this easy! Just follow our instructions and we’ll lead you to a successful FUNdraising campaign.